In the summer of 2022 four artists worked with groups and families in Whitmore Reans to creatively map the area.

They responded to questions, such as:

How can residents of Whitmore Reans be put on the map?

What is the heart of the place?

What could Newhampton Arts Centre do for the local community?

What changes would members of the community like to see? 

What could make you feel more welcome, more at home and more connected here?

In October 2022 the work was shared in an exhibition, in the gallery hall at NAC. It shared the local participants’ responses to re-mapping Whitmore Reans through film, photography, storytelling, music, sound, light, digital and graphic art.

On 28th October we held an event with an invitation to share food and thoughts about what NAC could do for the local community. The most popular ideas were a community hub and a Whitmore Reans Festival. We are now working with partners and continuing conversations with local people to explore how we realise these ambitions.

By undertaking this project and working with local residents we have gained multiple perspectives and explored what opportunities exist for NAC to develop its role within the Whitmore Reans community. We have found new ways to connect people and organisations in the area.

If you would like to continue the conversation, or get involved with the development of a community hub or festival please contact

#ReansRemapped Artists – GeoTone, Kupid Val-Essoné & Kupid’s World, Tess Radcliffe, Vimal Korpal and Kremena Dimitrova 

#ReansRemapped Partners – Gatis Community Space, ACCI, Good Shepherd, Refugee & Migrant Centre and Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary 

This project is supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and produced by Curiosity Productions.


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