  • Event Start: 7:30 pm
  • Theatre
  • Admission: £6
  • CYT member: £4

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‘We Built This City’ is an intergenerational community film project delivered by Central Youth Theatre with 40 young people aged 16-25. The project has helped young people to develop their employability skills through a series of creative workshops including filmmaking, script editing, marketing and promotion and event management.

Project workshops have been supported by industry professionals currently working in the wider arts sector. From September 2023 to March 2024, Young people were tasked with locating and collecting stories from Wolverhampton’s ‘unsung heroes’ who have positively shaped their local community and contributed to the city’s cultural, social or community development in some way. These stories have been creatively interpreted into 4 short drama films and an exhibition which will be showcased at this very special event.

There will be a red carpet entrance, refreshments and the chance to meet some of Wolverhampton’s inspirational unsung heroes who’ve not only positively shaped our city but this project too.

This project has been funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, powered by Levelling Up.

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